The things that just didn't fit, and sneak peeks...
Sneak Peek'sBreeze...Peek 2![]() “Hi, I’m Breeze did I hear you say you’re with Joanna. She has a few dresses already picked out I have them labeled for each person. You are?” Possessive woman type wasn’t in her list of qualities but this one clearly knew Q and for the first time she felt exactly that possessive.
“Kerry, I’m Kerry Davis Joanna’s maid of honor.” Kerry hesitated a few seconds then extended her hand to Bree. Q basically cringed when their hands touched so it was clear this woman knew him and deeper than just a casual acquaintance. The name only registered on the level of what was happening she was one of her bridesmaid’s that needed to do a fitting. There was no connection to Q and the name in anyway so that just meant there where things they still had to learn about each other. “Oh, ok yes I have everything ready for your fitting Joanna said she wasn’t sure when she could get you in so she had me label the dresses for if any of you drop by. Come with me I will get you set up.” “Hey let me get out of your hair I’m just going to grab my bag from the back.” Clearly escape was all that was on his mind he moved so swiftly he was almost a blur heading into the back he didn’t even take one glance back at them. Every possible alarm went off in Bree’s mind. It hasn’t even been a month yet. But he wasn’t one to hide things so the benefit of the doubt was needed in the situation at least. “Hey girl you need my help how many people you about to have…. I could spare a second or two.” Reign of course wasn’t missing a second of what was happening so she picked up on the situation just as quick and wasn’t about to leave Bree without back up that was Lady code number one. “No, I should be fine where are you headed anyway you never pass up a lunch after all your “labor”.” Direct approach would make Reign the most uncomfortable they all knew that. “Nothing big just some stuff I need to get done I just put it off and need to make a few stops.” “Everything ok?” “Yea…everything ok, here right?” “Yea I’m good I’ll text you later.” “You better I want to know all things…. Bye Mr. Coleman we shall have to chat another time.” Q was finally making his way out the back of engrossed in whatever he was looking at on his phone. “Of course, till next time, I will make sure to be prepared.” “Oh, that you should do for sure I may bring along some help.” “Whatever you feel is necessary.” His charm was relentless clearly even when he wasn’t exactly comfortable he was still able to turn it on. “He is cute for sure girl we’ll talk.” “REY!” “Bye” A quick wave behind her and she was out the door without adding any more to the fire she’d already fueled. As she turned she was met again with Q smirk and the knowing look in his eyes said he knew just how much she agreed with her friend. “Stop looking at me like that don’t you have work to get to.” “Stop looking at you like what?” “Don’t be cute it’s not very adult.” “So, you admit I’m cute.” To that he moved in hovering over her making her lips tingle and her insides ignite. “I mean your friend just confirmed it.” “Well I have work to do.” She motioned to the now occupied dressing room bringing his attention back to the person that was in there. “Yea you’re right…. you sure you don’t need anything else before I head out?” At least he seemed a little more himself. “Yea you’re off the hook for more labor today superman.” Her voice even lifted a little as she moved around the main counter. “I don’t know let’s think about that. If I stay and play superman does that mean you’ll be Louise Lane or maybe I could be Tarzan and you could be Jane less clothes involved that way.” So whoever she is only threw him off for a second I guess. Bree had to smile at how quick he was to snap back to being himself. “Quincey! I have a customer or did you forget.” His eyes slid quickly over to the dressing room then back again before he came around to her side. “Nope I didn’t forget….” His lips met hers tenderly caressing each work for more emphasis causing the consistent tingle her body had around him to intensify. “I don’t mind your client or anybody knowing how you make me feel okay. I however have to get to the center and make sure everything is still moving along I want to get everyone back in at least a week early.” COMING SOON!!!!!! Tame Breeze....Peek inside![]() “So, you want to explain why you're dipping out on me yet again like you got a man or something. Or is there something you want to tell me.”
“You seriously have to stop saying stuff like that to me.” “Am I not speaking truth to you. You are jumping back into those tight ass jeans of yours as we speak in attempts to make your exit am I wrong.” Of, course his comment made Bre stop her actual jumping process of squeezing into her jeans. “I have an entire business to run I don’t have time for any of those types of games.” “That’s your favorite phrase it seems...those types of games like you’re trying to say that’s something happening without actually saying the words.” Normally at this point in the conversation, Quincey could be out of bed himself with at least his boxers and jeans on but today he stayed put half shielded by his duvet leaning back against his headboard. “Seriously Q what is up with you? Every time I come over here lately we end up on this very same page.” “Do we now?” “Ugh…. like I said I have to go remember source of income waiting for me to open its doors so I guess we will talk another time.” “Right and that will be when exactly?” Intrigued into Bre’s discomfort of the topic must have kicked in because he sat forward on the bed. “Quincey seriously what is it if you have something to say then say it we are not kids so.” Sure, he was right Bre never let anyone get close especially men no matter how much time they’d spent together. The current game with Quincey had been going on for over a year now and it was clear he had reached the point of wanting more than just the random meet ups at his or her place they had fallen into. Outside of the physical which was beyond what either of them expected each time nothing else progressed between them. Even though she’d known him well over five years they hadn’t approached one another in any intimate way until about a year ago when Bre found herself on another one of her self-doubt kicks in the middle of central park. Running into Q was pure accident she’d gone down to get a hot dog and enjoy the day since that was one of the things she and Angel always did during the summer, but now her best friend was on the other side of the country and happily married and she was seeking out her favorite lunch when Q bumped into her on his way to a pickup game. If life wasn’t full of any and every form of crap designed to make life as hard as possible Bre more than likely would have been happy to have that kind of attention. Quincey the six foot three physically fit dark caramel adolescent psychiatrist with his full mustache and unruly spiky afro was the exact man every woman dreamed of. Educated full of promise and not sitting back looking for life to hand him anything. But at the current moment, he was looking more and more pissed and not able to contain it. “I just have a lot on my plate Q I thought you understood that you have just as much going on with trying to get the center up and running.” Since no matter how much pulling and tugging she did would change the fact that she couldn’t get the jeans any higher she gave up and sat on the edge of the bed near him. “I completely understand; however, I also am not a fan of these roll around for a few hours sharing body fluids then act as if we don’t know each of till one of us is horny again.” “So are you say….” Q put his finger to her lips before she could finish because it was clear Bre was about to hit panic mode. “I’m saying let see a movie…. have a drink…. shit if all that is too much take a walk with me in the park but let’s stop the teenage shit.” “Teenagers roll around sharing body fluids for hours?” The smirk on her face couldn’t be helped and at lease she got him to smile his million-megawatt smile at her. “Woman stop picking the little shit and just let me show you better.” Fierce Storm (Sneak Peek)![]() “Tormenta” The way he said her name made the blood rush through her veins at top speed causing an almost instant ache right where she was sure he was used to causing them frequently. The breaks of course pumped with the acknowledgement that he had said her government name and not her somewhat stage name she had gone by since middle school.
“Mr. Black.” “Please call me Kaleb.” “Ok…well please call me Storm…only my mother still calls me Tormenta.” “Deal.” His eyes floated down to the drink she was cradling in her hands just before he reconnected with hers. “Did I get the drink correct…I mean you haven’t touched it at all.” “How did you even know I liked these?” “I took an educated guess. Was I wrong?” Just to make the point clear she took a long sip from the slender black straw holding his gaze the entire time. The smooth refreshing liquid slid down her throat in a familiar caress helping her put her internal flame at just a light flicker. Kaleb Black seemed to be as much of a flirt as she had heard about him. “It’s a little weaker than they are at my normal place but it will do.” “Well, maybe next time we can go to your normal place to make sure things are to your liking.” “I didn’t know we came to this place.” “Didn’t you hear our minds our thinking exactly alike….just this afternoon I was thinking how I wanted to spend the evening with a beautiful lady….” “Well they are not in short supply here now are they?” Maybe his flirting isn’t as good as I’ve heard. Storm shifted her weight from one foot to the other waiting a little irritation working its way in at that point. “You didn’t let me finish….I was going to say just this afternoon I was thinking I wanted to spend the evening with a beautiful woman dressed in all black, full of fire, and completely unaware of just how many relationships she’s ruining just by walking in a room.” For emphasis he leaned into her placing his lips almost completely on her ear. “I mean look at that girl over their shaking everything she has and her man is ready to shoot daggers at me right now for talking to you.” When he leaned back the smirk on his face was a full on smile, a smile he knew had her from the moment she saw it. “So we should for sure get out of here and let these ladies enjoy their evening don’t you think?” Mr. smooth and sexy clearly hadn’t planned on her response but covered quickly and sat his drink on the bar then guiding her out with his hand spread across her lower back. They landed at a small coffee shop not far from the club, there were only about five other people including the staff so the atmosphere was perfect for a close personal session. The girls behind the counter clearly noticing who Kaleb was giggling and giving side stares the entire time they waited on their order. “You want to share how you knew my name, and not to mention one of my favorite drinks.” “Maybe I’ve noticed you before and asked a few questions.” “Maybe?” “Yea maybe.” Up close he was if possible even more hansom then his pictures made him out to be and the youthful look in his eyes keep all the mystery his smile gave away. “And why would you have been asking questions about me?” “Have you looked in the mirror lately…that question should have been why would I have not asked questions.” If ever a woman wanted a man to just come right out and say what was on his mind Kaleb had just done it. Admitting his physical attraction the question remained was that all he was after his reputation sure said it was. Figuring out what he was after didn’t seem to be that hard instantly Storm decided if he was after one thing she was down for it just to clear her mind for the night. “Ok Mr. Black….excuse me Kaleb exactly how would a multi-millionaire producer have even happened across me?” He relaxed back into the large chair draping his ankle over his knee almost like he was calculating what his answer would be which caused that ping of irritation to rise just a little higher than Storm had expected it to. “I mean I’m not your normal Hollywood starlet, nor exotic temptress you’ve been so famously known for, oh and for the record I’m not an easy pick up either. I was already leaving that place so wanting to get out of there was just that.” He still didn’t speak only taking in her words like he was feeling his way through his responses. If this is how he gets to woman then I am good for sure. He took a few sips from his drink keeping his eyes trained on Storm before he sat the drink on the table and leaned forward so that only she would hear his response. “Ms. Storm…let me be the first to say just how satisfying it is to know how different you are from as you put it my type. I only stopped into that place because a family member owns it and wanted me to show my face. I personally was just about to head towards the exit before I looked up and saw you so I guess we had that in common.” The "Lady" is not a myth.....![]() She was consumed in the ridiculous thoughts of her friends when a warm masculine hand settled on her shoulder. So strange how familiar it was even now after three years she couldn’t do that with Nick.
“So I see Ms. Angel decided to come out and share some of her beauty with us tonight.” And boy was Mother Nature not playing fair, it seemed it was her turn for all the attention she could get from the beautiful Adonis’s walking around her resort but at least this one was familiar. “Hey, I was gonna look for you sorry I fell asleep last night.” Hopefully to school girl ogling wasn’t showing on her face when she spoke. “I heard, so you done with dinner feel like coming for a walk with me before the show?” So she was right about who is friend was messaging earlier. “Ah…sure a walk would be nice.” When she stood to grab her plate Jay waved her off and motioned at the same time to one of the waiters standing by to take it for her. “Good I saw this spot earlier today that will be great to watch the show from come on I’ll show you…you got your camera?” “No…just relaxing tonight I took a lot of pictures earlier on this tour to the ruins…so I decided to give it a little rest.” “Cool so I take it your enjoying the trip now.” Now…because it was clear I wasn’t enjoying it at first. “That would be correct it’s amazing all the history and beauty here it’s well I can’t even really describe it you know.” Interesting that he’d picked up on her frustrations from before and was subtly showing her he understood. “I completely agree with you on the beauty part.” He led her down a set of steps towards the beach just outside the main deck. Between the lights shinning from the resort and the glow of the moon above them it wasn’t dark at all which calmed her stranger danger fears. “So what did you guys do today…another competition?” No use in acting like they had to get to know one another they’d past those awkward moments already. Well mostly. “No we went for a hike actually then just relaxed after it was nice though…I got a call from that client so I did some work from one of the offices earlier.” “Wow so you will break you vacation for your work…that is dedication for sure.” Speaking of work with him had Tim’s call and text heavy on her mind she wasn’t ready for move the way he thought she was. In so many ways she was just starting to stand on her own feet and not just be led around through what someone else wanted for her. California was a huge change that she hadn’t even given much thought to. Tim had just always been the one to have so much faith in her she had to at least consider what it was offering right? “I guess or I just enjoy what I do…that could be part of it to right?” “Absolutely….so Jay tell me which country you found your special someone in.” Time to turn her attention to the more pressing issues like a true jersey girl would, there was no way this man was single. He probably was the equivalent of some top male model somewhere with a ridiculous body and an amazing career to top that off, no way he was single so it was time she found out how truthful he was willing to be about it. “I’m sorry…” This time even though they were mostly in the dark she made out a little dimple in his left cheek when his smile came into view. Part of her wanted to lean forward to see if they filled both sides but she resisted. “Your special someone did you find her in an exotic location like your friend or is she just your everyday supermodel?” That was as close as she was going to come to asking was he single so he was just going to have to take the hint and answer her with what she’d already put on the table. “Ahhh…My special someone….well as it turns out I am currently without a special someone...but I’ve got my eyes open for sure. So tell me Ms. Angel how is it your special someone was willing to let you go off on such an amazing trip without them?” He didn’t miss a step at all and was fishing just as well as she was and hell he was doing it much better. For sure he was a pro at this game and was showing his skills. “Probably because I just called him last week and called off our wedding.” It popped out so fast she wasn’t really sure if she regretted saying it or if it was just a relief to admit it had happened. The heat rose quickly in her cheeks which made her extremely thankful for the dark lighting. “Wow….Ahh….” Sunday Share's (Mistaken Angel)![]() “Nick.” It was easy to hold out on the keep things moving and people will just let it go until one of the main sources arrived on your doorstep or in this case sitting at the kitchen counter with a look of almost anger that had never been on display before.
“Did you want some privacy with…” Before Bree could get it all out Nick turned and saw her then headed over to them. Everyone else seemed to collectively hold their breaths as he approached her. “I take it you had a safe trip.” That’s right Nick let’s talk about the business of this thing first. “Yes, it went well….I’m sorry if you needed to get your things I figured it…well you would be ok with Bree letting you in…did you need something.” It was best to keep things on the let's clear the slate path since she wasn’t sure of how to read his mood in those moments which was actually a first. “No she let me in just after you left and I have everything, I needed to speak with you about something else it's more pressing.” That was Nick say it without saying it. Basically get rid of your posse so we can have this conversation but he would never come out and say those words. “Ahhh…I mean I was…sure we can talk.” No more bending, no more avoiding you’re an adult damn it. “Hey, why don’t you meet us at the café for lunch and we can finish talking then I need to make a few stops anyway.” Bree again with the, I got your back smile just as she headed out to the others to get them out. No doubt they would all be hovering right in the building for the second they saw Nick leave. Of course, he figured they got the message and planted himself back on the barstool until they had all left. Interestingly enough he was clearly upset over something more than he’d been the entire time they talked about calling off the wedding. So maybe for once this would be a conversation between them and not him half listening then laying down his opinion. “Ok Nick so what’s going on I just got in yesterday so I’m not exactly myself right now sorry.” After exchanging hugs and kisses with everyone then seeing them out she turned back to him. Where did I put the damn coffee? “I know I was told you would be back yesterday so I waited until this morning to come over I figured the girlfriend parade would have been last night but I can see that was wrong.” Girlfriend parade that was always how he referred to her friends like it was some childish group of playmates. The tension almost immediately wanted to fill her body but she pushed it down he at minimum deserved whatever conversation he wanted to have with her. Right? Get your copy today to read the rest of the story. Mistaken Angel Available now: Amazon paperback, Kindle, Barnes and Noble Hardcover. |
Just didn't fit...From Are You Still Down (Book 1 Where Your Heart Belong Series)
One of the major parts of the Where Your Heart Belongs series is the love. The love not just between the main characters but the love of the people surrounding them. Their friends...sisters....brothers...cousins...etc. In Are You Still Down one of the biggest relationships outside of the main story is that of Taylor and her best friend Casey...Here's a little something that I just couldn't seem to make fit but still was worth keeping in the background. Do you remember them discussing this??? October 2010 I swear I hate you right now….how is it possible you look this good and you have a one month old. Casey looked at me as I walked into Club Nine and rolled her eyes which made me laugh. What are you talking about I have not lost all the baby weight. I pretended to be shocked just to appease her. You are lying to me I am going to ask Brandon what you have been doing….I swear you look amazing and damn do you boobs look great. And yours don’t Jay J. defiantly helped you out in that department. I folded my arms across my chest when I said it I wasn't really comfortable with the new edition so I knew she would pick up on that quickly. Hey I needed these and besides I bet Brandon would agree that those are part of his favorite things now. Almost like a kids she teased me. After we went around that circle a few more times we went to find the guys. The night was going great. After three months of planning and a mad dash after Rori was born to make sure the fundraiser still happened on time I was extremely happy looking around at everyone enjoying themselves. I noticed a few faces at some of the tables that seemed rather young which bought back the memory of the last casino night I was at. How different my life was now than then. |