Earlier this week and entire branch of my existence was laid to rest. People that truly know me can whole heatedly say I find a light.....I find a way.....I see the glass half full. I prepared myself mentally. Told myself to be in the moment and be there to celebrate this amazing life with my grieving family members.
And then I glanced around for one split second and took in the moment.....My Great Grandfather, My Great Grandmother, My Grandfather, His brother-My Great Uncle, and now His sister My Great Aunt all walking around in heaven. This moment came at a time where my spirit has been fighting to see the positive. To find the light keep the brave face. So I have to say....my spirit is broken a deep fracture that at the moment has no fix. However I have the strongest of Roots, they've ushered in a path of fight even when life has taken any and all chance away for hope, believe even when nothing says you should, but most importantly, keep your faith and life will find its way. So even though my entire spirit is aching there is...Perspective. So I send these words out into the void just to have them said and take my deep breaths say my prayers and move forward. #IWASBORNAJONES #YOUKEEPUP
I'm a blessed being.....I've been on this earth with not only my parents and siblings, but I've had the pleasure of knowing my #ROOTS. I'm the little girl, that still remembers being fussed at for not having my shoes on running round outside. (Your feet are gone be too big to fit shoes soon) I'm the same little girl who got put on the kitchen counter every Sunday to get her hair washed. (What are we going to do with all this hair) I'm the little girl who waited on the front porch with swollen legs from yet another shot for my papa to come back with ice cream. I'm the little girl in the polka dot sundress hoping my Aunt doesn't catch me jumping off the swing. (Don't mess up that pretty dress your grandma made you). I have roots and yes maybe now those roots watch over me in a different way. But they laid a foundation like no other.
Lady P